One more picture...I like the distant perspective, the pegs are obviously sticking proud of the bread board end. We see that all joints do not sit flush to one another, this turned out to be a terrific feature.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Protruding finger joints
This is the top in one piece for both night stands. A lot of people hate sapwood. I don't. Sapwood is the lighter colour. Its found towards the outside of the tree. The darker more uniform colour was once sapwood too, but as the tree ages it gets harder and changes to the colour we expect to see. In this case the red in cherry. The sapwood is more like a creamy maple.
This is a glue up of 4 individual boards cut from a 9 inch 8 foot long board. I like to rip all my boards to less than 6 inch so these boards are all roughly 4 1/2 inch wide. Playing with the grain direction I discovered this pattern which looks like the figure 8 pattern.
Greene and Greene Night Table
This is a detail I figured out once the design and construction process was well underway. The sides and back of the stand are cherry veneered mdf.
Following in the Greene brothers example, the mouldings applied to the panels are not the same thickness. The North/South moulding is 1/4 inch thick and the East/West moulding is 3/32 inch creating a nice little jump at the joint. It pulls your hand towards it to feel the lip. Much more enjoyable than if they were flush and even.